On last week seminar Teacher wanted us to choose a cart which was on the table in front of him. I chose blue card. There was a sentence:
“ EVERYDAY I LIVE FOR A NEW IDEA THAT HELPS ME TO RECONCILE WITH MY PAST” When I first time I read that sentence that statement seemed so close to me.
Because I always thought My every Yesterday is always been my Tomorrow. Everything will happen in the future depends on yesterday. So that means Everyday We have to realize what we are doing right now. In my opinion Every action which we make will bring us good or bad consequences.
We can research so many practices about lifelong learning from our past time. I am so glad for Today to helps us reconcile our past. Therefore by considering about yesterday and our past life we can do and learn how to make more better things in the future. So Today We just have to try our bests.
In Globalizing World, We are living in science and technology rapid development and information era. Our opportunities of improve and acquire our quality of life by normal education is decreasing day by day. There is a mandatory requirement is that people have to own continuously lifelong education which is appropriated development tendency and competitive.
An idea of lifelong education is every person is most important social segment and learn during their lifetime. In other words, Lifelong learning is not a thing that will more support to education systems or created by anyone. We can use both formal and informal lifelong learning opportunities throughout people’s lives in order to foster to continuous development and improvement of the knowledge and skills.
At the end I want to write a sentence that Henry Ford said who is an American industrialist and the founder of the Ford Motor company. He said
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young”.
So let’s keep learning every moments….
Best regards,