PETER SENGE once said that ‘’Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes.’’On seminar 24th of May, I presented two topics as following:
PUBLIC LIBRARYIn presentation, The goal is that ‘’ We have to see a public library as a place where we can take opportunities to continuing our learning process.
Lifelong learning has become an element of the survival of individuals and organizations in changing societies. Shepherd (2002) proposed the simple formula of L and C to illustrate the importance of learning. L represents the rate of learning, and C is the rate of change. The speed at which individuals and organizations learn must not lag behind the rate of change.
The development of public libraries and lifelong learning is closely related. Public library has always been an important place for people to learn knowledge and learn from the rise, with the rise of lifelong learning trends, it is regarded as an important lifelong learning institutions to promote the development of human civilization.
Libraries should play a more active role in learning society and play a role in promoting popular learning. The library offers more opportunities and choices to promote personal life-time learning, while ***sting individuals to discover, evaluate, and use information, and to develop individuals with the ability to judge the quality of knowledge.
LIFELONG LEARNING SECTION: PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGYFrom the “Toward the Learning Society White Paper” presented by the Ministry of Education in 1998, it can be seen that Taiwan’s government was responding to the global trend towards lifelong learning, which named the year “The Lifelong Learning Year.” The Lifelong Learning Act passed in 2002 infused new energy into the promotion of lifelong learning in Taiwan. The 2010 National Education Conference also included lifelong learning on the agenda. There are 5 implementation policies in lifelong learning in Taiwan.
The implementation policies include the following:
• The supplementary and continuing education system.
• Providing learning opportunities for the public by establishing community colleges: currently, there are 101 community colleges and 250,000 students.
• Accreditation for informal learning: currently there are 544 certified courses (1388 credits) provided by 133 institutes.
• Providing in-service education opportunities.
• Promoting learning for senior citizens: the senior population (over 65 years old) has dramatically increased to 2.48 million at the end of 2010, comprising 10.74% of the total population; schools, township offices, senior citizen centers, community service centers, and community development associations started to establish the Learning Resource Centers for Senior Citizens in 2008.
The future development strategies are as follows:
• Establishing a promotional unit for each level of government and setting a complete structure.
• Raising the legal rank of lifelong learning and amending the Lifelong Learning Act as soon as possible.
• Establishing a complete mechanism for achievement certification for lifelong learning.
• Coordinating and integrating lifelong learning institutes.
• Providing sufficient promotion and funding for lifelong learning.
This week was very effective for my learning process. By sharing my presentation with my classmates I also learned so many things together. By teacher’s suggestions and advices that gives me more opportunities to learn about lifelong learning and adult education. Thank you so much for my teacher and classmates to supporting me and sharing their knowledge and experience with me.
Best regards,